Well, I SEE your holiday greetings and RAISE you.
Naughty But Oh-So-Nice Holiday Spirits
I've Gotten Bigger!
So the day came, nearly a year ago, homes in NE Ohio were selling faster than I could list them. I remembered the sage advice I’d gotten years earlier from seasoned pros who preached that once you start missing things, can’t give everyone and everything the attention they deserve, and your work life has gotten messy, it’s time to expand!
Triple-Dog-Dare You
The holidays are here! Peppermint lattes, decking our halls, donning our gay apparel, trolling the ancient Yuletide carol (okay, that song is wacky), and learning what folks are made of (by way of Christmas lights) and how big (and blinking) they dare to dream! Because we all know there are three types of Christmas decorators:
Much Ado About Stuffing
Don’t Take Those Countertops for Granite
Last year, I bared my culinary soul and gave y’all my prize-winning Turkey Day recipes, and I was truly surprised by the response! So, I’ll post them again, and add a yummy Thanksgiving cocktail you can prepare in a pitcher, and ring Aunt Carol’s doorbell with confidence, crazy delicious food, and a yummy cocktail to share!