I've Gotten Bigger!

Waaayyyy back when I was a young, doe-eyed, green and naive agent, hoping to actually sell a home (gasp!) I already had my eye on the prize!

Experts I followed explained just when, how and why to expand and grow.

And not around my belly. 

We ALL know how to do that.

So the day came, nearly a year ago, homes in NE Ohio were selling faster than I could list them. I remembered the sage advice I’d gotten years earlier from seasoned pros who preached that once you start missing things, can’t give everyone and everything the attention they deserve, and your work life has gotten messy, it’s time to expand! 

I realized that time had come! 

So I got bigger! And so much better! 

Welcome to…

Dannie Moore and COMPANY! 


Yeah. It’s a real thing.

Started last winter when sales were soaring (yay!) and I needed help selling all these houses in the Akron area!

Awesome problem to have. Still a problem.

So, I spent the next months finding my work tribe! 

One by one, it all just organically fell into place!

I knew of a woman who’d been in and around the business for many years, had an awesome reputation, and I (kinda) knew her from growing up in Akron!

So I called Jane, we met, chatted, yadda yadda…she’s amazing and handles all the paperwork, dots i’s and crosses t’s and all of that good (and very necessary)stuff. 

Jane makes paperwork look kinda fun..? She’s so good at it! 

Nails it every time! Here’s the down-low on Jane! 

You’ll love her!

Okay, Jane was on board and I was ready to grow my team…Didn’t have to look long!

I always knew my photographer, Zach, was SO much more than the guy-behind-the-camera. 

He has an instinctive ability to know what I need, what my vision is, and make it appear in photos and videos. The communication was effortless. He is brilliant and he just makes things happen! Again, we were chatting, and bang! I found out he’s a licensed agent! Wha-whaaat?

Within weeks Zach was a powerful, dynamic part of the team. (Did you just get chills? I just got chills…) He’s so cool, you wanna know him. I’m not kidding. Don’t believe me? Here’s more on Zach (you’re welcome).

So we had a team, but it was small. Efficient, but small.

Not so long after came Josh, who was lucky enough to marry my AMAZING cousin.

He’s new to the business, full of personality and so ready to learn!

I love the potential and being a part of nurturing a new agent into a seasoned pro!

So, BAM! Josh came on board and completed…

Dannie Moore and Company!

Get to know Josh a little more…

So, my friends, my tribe…though I knew I EVENTUALLY wanted to have a team, Life decided it was time, and three incredible people organically joined in and I could simply not be happier.

So, welcome, Jane, Zack, and Josh!

And me. 

Cuz it’s Dannie Moore and Company. 

And I’m Dannie. 

So, there.