Labor (of love for BBQ) Day

Most long weekends come with social diligence. Solemn remembrance.

Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day…

Like, you get the day off, but don't you chow that burger with some thoughtful, heartfelt gratitude? 

And feel a little bit guilty about it?

Then Labor Day is for YOU.

Literally a celebration of the American workforce! You! 

And giving you a day off.

With a guilt-free burger. Totally different than a “meatless” or “garden” burger.

Just a burger. Add cheese. Hold the guilt.

But, what kind of blog would this be if you didn’t get a few fun, UTTERLY useless facts about your free Monday?

First, (almost useful) fast facts-

Began in 1882, 

Grover Cleveland made it a holiday, marking the beginning of the end of child labor, the beginning of overtime pay and other good stuff…but, did you know…

*Caution* Useless Facts Ahead:

…it’s the “unofficial” season kickoff for the NFL?

Or that wearing white after Labor Day only meant you were still on vacation, which only the elite were able to do into September… So it was gauche to show off!

(“Who does she think she IS??”)

And last - but not at ALL least- it’s the “unofficial” END of hot dog season.

So grab those hots AND hams, spark up the grill, and enjoy your day off.

Have a second! Toss in a beer!

Guilt-free gluttony. 

You’ve worked for it. You earned it.

This is literally, 

“Thank-You-For-All-the-Work-You-Do Day.”

Thanks everyone! 

Enjoy that last hot dog of the season. 

Just don’t put ketchup on it.

That’s just plain wrong.