Flipping Out in Ohio

Flippers aren’t just for beachfront bungalows and Nemo, anymore. 

Ohio has become a solid hotspot for real-estate savvy fixer-uppers, and the results are paying off- big time!

Even during the virus-we-shall-not-mention, Ohio home sales did not even fluctuate.

Not a blip on the screen, people!

From retirees, couples looking for homes for their college-aged kids, to entrepreneurs and investors, Ohio is getting plenty of attention in the current real estate climate.

And when I say “climate,” I mean “Hot-hot-hot !!”


First off—it’s affordable!

Finding homes to flip for a reasonable amount, leaves plenty of money to do the flipping!


Real estate is a solid investment, especially in developing areas. 

Hello, Ohio..? Getting more desirable and sought after every year! 

Money in the bank!

And third—good vibes.

If you know, you know. 

Ohioans have long understood the beauty that is our great state.

Communities, natural beauty, unparalleled health care, amazing schools…

Need I say more

The rest of the country just took a minute to figure it out!

So if you’re considering buying a home in Ohio, to settle down, invest in, or flip, you’re looking in the right place. 

If you’re interested in finding the perfect fantastic flippable, give me a call!