A-Peeling October Cocktails

An Apple-Tini walks into a bar…

Or (even better) appears on your kitchen counter!

(Nowhere to drive. No tips needed!)

So, here we are in the depths of apple cider, fry cake (it’s a DOUGHNUT) foliage season, and our margaritas aren’t “speaking” to us.

Cuz those girls are so last season. 

Let’s look at some Autumn-worthy opponents…

Worried about missing those margaritas? Stop worrying!

Here’s an October-Cozy-Worthy apple margarita

that’ll have your head in Caracaos  but your feet on the couch, snuggled under a fuzzy blanket!


Some cinnamon and sugar (to rim the glass)

1 ounce tequila (Olé!)

1 ounce apple schnapps or liqueur

1 ounce apple juice

A cup of ice

A slice of green apple and anise star (for pretty garnish)

Making it:

Wet the rim of a margarita glass (chilled if possible) with a piece of apple or apple liqueur

Toss apple tequila, juice, sour mix and ice into your blender

Pour into glass, and garnish (if you’re a garnisher) with apple wedge.


But apples are good all the way ‘round. How about an Apple-Gin cocktail?

This one is oh… so… good.

You’ll need:

4 ounces gin

4 ounces apple cider

1 ounce lime juice

2 ounces honey or simple syrup

A dash of cinnamon

(If you’re going cray-cray, a sprig of thyme, some thin wedges of apple..?)

Making it:

Combine gin, cider, lime, simple syrup and cinnamon.

Shake well. 

Fill two glasses with ice, pour, add matchstick apples or thyme, and gulp away!


But if Fall and Winter had a boozy baby, it would be the 

Apple Cider Bourbon Cocktail.

Here you go:

Grab some

Apple cider (duh)

Bourbon (double-duh)

Sweet vermouth

Lemon juice

 and Orange bitters


Just stir (don’t shake!)  all ingredients together.

Strain into a stemmed glass. Or coffee cup. This is your life.

And sip in that October buzz!

But did you come here looking for an Apple-tini?

Not gonna disappoint. Here you go…

You’re gonna need:

Get  1 ½ ounces of vodka

½ ounce green apple schnapps

¼ ounce lemon juice

…and an apple slice and sprig of fresh thyme to make it pretty!


Fill a shaker with ice cubes, pour in the vodka, schnapps and lemon juice, and SHAKE!

If you’re feeling the vibe, garnish with with an apple slice.

October libation perfection!

These are the grown-up autumn apple treats. Have a sip (or three) and a wee bit apple “sauced” !

No judgement, here!


(Hold the apple-ause)