Talk of the Townhouse

Looking to downsize, but a condo is just too big (small) a leap?

Or upsizing, but a freestanding home isn’t free of homeowner headaches?

Then you’ve just entered…the Townhouse Zone.

Okay, sure, any type of home will have a maintenance migraine or two, but townhouses are a comfortable middle ground, with well, less GROUND to worry about! 

Or pay taxes on!

Or mow! 

So, there’s the first benefit of a townhouse—a yard!

A get-your-nature-on outdoor space, but just not too much of it!

Many townhomes have HOA benefits like mowing and snowplow service, but if not, it’s not a big deal. 

Cause it’s not a big yard.

But you can probably count on enough room to plant some tomatoes, maybe a few azaleas, or a set of loungers where you can relax with your morning coffee!

And those amenity benefits may even include a pool or communal gathering spaces.

And we all know the most relaxing kind of pool is the pool that someone ELSE is cleaning and maintaining! 

Charming neighborhoods, or desired urban areas have such limited space that a townhome can be the perfect way to get you into that perfect ‘hood! 

But the big, whopping best benefit of a townhouse is the (cha-ching!) sticker price!

They simply cost less than their stand-alone counterparts. 

Leaving you with more money for azaleas? Coffee? Swimsuits? All of it!

So, imagine if you will, a space of comfort and style, affordable and roomy, and with fewer headaches and maintenance…

That’s right,

The Townhouse Zone.