
Either you have young kids, or you don’t.

Either it’s your FAVORITE holiday, or you endure it.

Doesn’t matter, Halloween can be lame or fabulous, and here’s how.

No kids?

Just getting up from the couch every 2.6 minutes to compliment the kid (you do not recognize) from down the street (because he’s wearing a MASK) to give them candy that they look at, assess, and judge you for (we ALL remember the house that gave out full-sized Snickers bars.)

Don’t pretend you don’t.

It’s lame!

Here are a few options:

Super-easy? Toss a party-pack of Twizzlers in a bowl, plop it on the front step, get in the car, and go enjoy a lovely evening out. 

It’s legal! You’re allowed!

And all the parents are out and about, so getting a table is a breeze!

One step further? Add a note to “Take one. We are watching you…” and maybe even invest in some glowing eyes to put in your window.

Or, if you just wanna wait the day out, order Dominoes, go to a back room and watch movies, with ALL the lights off. 

It feels bad. But in a good way.

But you have kids?

Don’t have a ton of experience in this arena, but I’d say,

Plan those costumes ahead of time.

Fill your Yeti with Chardonnay

And wait til they’re asleep to raid their sugary bags of loot

I know which one of these I’ll be doing. But I’m not telling…


(Did that sound evil? It was supposed to sound evil.)