Falling for Your Listing

If I had a nickel for every time I heard “You gotta list your house in summer!” 

I’d have, like, a big bunch of nickels.

But here’s the autumnal low-down on why it’s a PERFECT time to list.

Fall is a little frantic! All the buyers who were looking in July (with a zillion others) are super-motivated. 

The offers in fall can be crazy. 

Like, we-need-a-house-take-our-money, cray-cray.

And autumn (certainly here in Ohio) means vibrant, gorgeous colors painting a backdrop for your home that would make DaVinci swoon. 

Make your front step or porch the ideal cider-sipping spot.

Curb-appeal? Check.

And bring it in! Amber, rust, ochre, olive…the cozy color palette!

Toss those comfy tones like cheap candy at a parade!

Accent pillows! 


Pot holders! 

Use the hues the season is offering!

And while you’re at it, pop anything at all in the oven or stovetop that smells like cinnamon and the offers will be falling on you like those leaves on those trees!

So, sure, summer has its perks, but don’t “fall” for autumn being too-late-to-list!

As the great Barney, the giant purple dinosaur once said,

“You can call it fall if that’s what you please, but I say ‘I like Autumn!’”

No, I don’t have kids, but it’s a catchy lil’ diddy…don’t judge me.