Meet Kate. She Hand Letters Old Shit.

Ever see a cool doo-dad or whats-it in an antique store and it just…spoke to you?

Kate has. And she created a career out of really tuning in to those old relics and speaking for them!

Her business, Hand Lettered Old Shit is tough to describe.

She takes an old thing and…writes (letters, words, phrases) on it.

By hand.

Okay, not so tough to describe. 

But her creativity and talent certainly is crazy-tough to match.

She’s a graphic designer and lettering artist. How freaking cool is that? 

I did NOT know that was a thing!

I got a chance to pick her brain and hear how this business came about. 

First off- she’s crazy cool.

Second- she’s an Ohioan.

Third- (as IF I even needed a third) she’s hilarious, and here’s what this crazy-talented, unique Ohio gem says about what she does.

“I just love words,” she says, but as a child HATED getting dragged into antique shops. Now those shops are her inspiration and her muse! 

She was in the Medina Antique Mall, making up conversations in her head about what captions the old, dusty photos might have.

So that became a hand-lettered postcard. Then another, and another…

Then old records, globes, and then, any old shit was potential gold.

Her favorite part is hearing, or figuring out, what that old thing is saying. And how it should be said.

Early on, friends gave her the, “You go, girl! You do YOU!”

But many were skeptical. Some were offended by the name.

But she knew her groove and knew there were more people who would laugh and connect with her because of the unique name, than those who would shun her for it.

And dagnabbit, she was right!

An average work day is puttin on tunes, staring at a piece until she knows what it’s saying, and then just putting on her Calligraphy Crown and doing her thang.

So, what’s next? 

She’s got her eye on big. Really BIG. 


“What’s greater old shit than the side of an old Cleveland warehouse?”

This Ohio dynamo is an undeniably talented, chic-but-chill, witty, and a passionate, creative storyteller. 


And she’s preggers!  Like, four months preggers! If you didn’t know, Dannie told you!

How much fun is this mamma gonna be? Lucky baby.

And lucky Ohio. One of our own!

Check her out at

On Instagram @handletteredoldshit

Custom orders-

I, for one, cannot wait- CANNOT WAIT- for the murals. Right??