Fall-zen for Fall

We all love summer.

The food. The outdoor time with friends.

The breezy, beautiful, clothes (parkas ain’t hot, even if you’re Ice Girl, who, I’m pretty sure I just made up…)

But we all love the way that summer brings us to a calmer, more chill version of our pasty, winter-y, jiggly, pale selves.

So how to maintain that summer glow.

That joie de vivre?

Couple tips? 


You play it on the deck, on the beach, when you’re camping, but bring it on when it’s cold!

Playlists for cozy nights! For days sitting with your iPad and playing Candy Crush. 

Music is a force. 

Use the Force, Luke.

Or driving the kiddos to karate! Jam those grown-up tunes! 

Your soul is begging for them.

Get outside! 

Yeah. You’ll need a jacket. And socks. Seriously? Not a big deal!

But your Inner-You will be so happy to have been outside! 

Eat well!

We tend to go salad-crazy once bikini season hits, but maybe toss a few veggies in between the pizza delivery and chicken parm subs.

Grab a glass of water and a salad and feel the ”Ohm” returning…

And lastly, I’m sorry. I have to say this one…


Maybe not every day, but now and again, squeeeeeze on those bike shorts and do something that makes you sweat.
