Triple-Dog-Dare You

The holidays are here! 

Peppermint lattes, decking our halls, donning our gay apparel, trolling the ancient Yuletide carol (okay, that song is wacky), and learning what folks are made of (by way of Christmas lights) and how big (and blinking) they dare to dream!

Because we all know there are three types of Christmas decorators:

The wreath-on-the-door folks

the mid-range, “Look! We are Christmas-y!”

And then you’ve got the die-hard…

show everybody in Ohio “Wassup?”

by hanging enough lights to be seen from space.

I am not the latter, but I love lookin at those lights!

So here’s a couple WOW! Christmas light shows to enjoy nearby, AFTER you hang the wreath. 

(No shame! We all do our own thang!)

Head north and you find an Ohio classic: the house from A Christmas Story.

It has been meticulously re-created to be identical to the movie house

from the soap in the upstairs bathroom (no cussin allowed),

to the FRAGEELAY leg lamp in the front window, it’s like walking through the movie itself.

You can get tours, there’s a museum across the street, but looking at lights is free!

Here’s the link!

Another local legend is the Stan Hywet house!

A northeast Ohio Legend! 

They hang over a MILLION lights. A Million. 

That’s so many.

But you also get Santa! Rudolph! The Gingerbread Man!

And over 64,000 square feet of holiday light craziness to give you all the good feels, AND entertain the kiddos.

You do need to buy tickets!

so here’s the link!

So if you live in northeast Ohio, enjoy a solid light display that puts the inflatable snowmen to shame, here’s a start!

And if you know of some annual stunners for light-gazing homes or neighborhoods in the Akron area, let me know!

Til then, hang that wreath, drink that peppermint chai frappe latte, and please—don’t shoot your eye out.