Stage. Spice. Sell.

If I had a nickel for every client that believed they MUST list their house in the spring if they want it to sell, I’d have enough nickels to buy, like... three pumpkin spice lattes.

Sure, May has some advantages, but here’s a few reasons that autumn is magical in the real estate world:

Houses are homes! Homes are cozy.
Autumn is cider, doughnuts, fireplaces, pillows and throws!
What’s cozier than that?

Making your house feel like an Adirondack spa is tough to do when your buyer is in a tank top and Daisy Dukes.

But when the temperature drops and one single leaf falls off the tree in the front yard?- watch out…Cozy is coming.

Staging your home with those gorgeous autumnal tones- amber, rust, maize and ochre- will pack an October punch that will knock your hand-knit socks off.
Logs in the fireplace, cocoa mugs and cozy candles are perfect tools to maximize your Cozy Factor.


And yes, pumpkin spice is your friend. Don’t be a hater.

There’s a reason it comes in muffins, candles, coffee, facial masks, potato chips(I am not making this up), and toilet paper.

The cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger melange evokes some weird, primal response. Like something in our cave-people DNA is suddenly craving a day to hunker down and make soup..?

So, use it!
Plant a few mums and toss a batch of pre-made Pillsbury pumpkin spice muffins in the oven an hour before a showing. Then sit back and wait for the offer.

Because, think about it- empty-nesters, first-time buyers, and many others are looking right now!

So, tune out the “Sell in spring!” chorus, fill up your chai-latte, and listen to the leaves. As in, chai latte tea leaves. It’s an actual thing.

And now I need one...