Jeep Thinking

I love my Jeeps, but doesn’t everybody? 
So, am I a Jeep person? Are we all Jeople?

I believe everyone has a little Jeep-lovin blood in their veins. Jeeps are simply lovable! And those who THINK they don’t love them will eventually find out—maybe with the help of a counselor—that they, too, love Jeeps.

But why?
Are we all inner off-roaders? 

Is it the decades-old episodes of M*A*S*H?

The wind in our hair? 

It’s the personality!
How many cars have a vibe? 

Sure, a VW bug is adorable.
But it’s a bug. 
Aunt Ginnie might love her Beetle, but I’ll take a hard pass.

A Wrangler is like that college buddy- a pal with a rebellious fun side. And unpredictable! Some days, hard top, four-wheel driving over the snow. Some days, soft top with the windows down...and the BEST days? You know it! No roof, no doors, just you, radio on, and that funky set of wheels that make everyone wave, honk, and do a double-take.

That’s Jeep love.
You’re feelin it. It’s okay,
it’s science!

Studies have actually been done to crack the code on this mystical Jeep Magic. 

They found that the unique look, potential for fun, attention-getting, patriotic, durable, grown-up toy mystique is undeniable. Um, duh.

Here’s the study. But before you read it be warned—if you’ve read this far,
and don’t already own one, you’re getting one tomorrow.

So whether you love the look of a shiny new sparkler, or get weak in the knees when a classic 1994 Wrangler passes you on a summer day, it is time to come clean.

So, go ahead. Admit it.“My name’s Dannie and I’m a Jeep guy.”  Are we bonding now? Cause I feel like we’re bonding...