The Split Personality

When it comes to split-level homes, are you...divided? 

You’re not alone! Here’s the low-down on these real estate conundrums.

Yeah, I said it. Conundrums.

The split-level style emerged in the 1960’s and ‘70’s as an economical way to get the most square footage for your real estate buck while subdivisions were popping up, like, EVERYWHERE.

They generally have an entryway on the ground level with the kitchen, dining room and living room, with a short staircase up to a bedroom level, and another short staircase down to a family room or den.

Some have four levels, and most have the garage nestled in under one of the upper levels.

They were all the rage. The Brady Bunch had one! Kinda. From the outside it was a split-level, but Hollywood magic made it a two-story house on the inside...

(I feel so… cheated.)

So what happened to make some people fall OUT of love with the Split?

Many are not updated. (Umm...can you say “bargain”?)

“Open floorplan” emerged and these puppies weren’t really in the mix. 

But after 2020, are we not seeing some value in private, smaller spaces?

How’s that open-concept Zoom meeting working for you?

If you can’t do stairs, a Split is not for you.

But if you’d like to get your glutes burning by just by throwing in a load of laundry, you may want to consider the benefits.

Many have smaller yards. Less maintenance, less mowing.

Orange or green countertop? A super-affordable fix. Or run with it!

Because along with the Split personality resurgence is the “mid-century modern” style, that blends oh-so-well with this practical structure. 


Minimalist, with a little funk and style.

Leave it to Beaver meets Joanna Gaines.

Need I say more?

So before you scratch it off the must-see list, keep in mind the reason there are so many of these gems out there!

Marcia, Jan, and Greg do not see a conundrum. 

Only groovy possibilities.
