Snow, White, and the Seven Weeks of January

No white after Labor Day?

Puh. Leeze.

When does your home need more brightening and light than flippin’ JANUARY?

And how is it STILL January?

The tree or menorah is down. 

The days are short. 

For the love of Frosty the Snowman, liven up that house!

And - fun fact - if you make it white, it’s LESS Christmas-y!

Like, a Christmas wreath vs. a white wreath. 



White throws on the couch, 

or a sparkling white tablescape…

This is the only season you get to make cozy out of white. 

Use it.

So whether it’s a centerpiece or a blooming Iris, embrace this mid-winter crap-ola weather and make your home pop like Orville Reddenbacher!

And wear those white pants.

Labor Day? Schmabor Day.