I Don’t Practice San-ga-ria

If you ask 10 friends if they like sangria, at least nine will regale you with a story about a pitcher they ordered at a restaurant that was magical.

Um, duh. 

Cause sangria is summer = cocktails = heaven.

But you can totally make it and it’s crazy easy, and somehow spiritually satisfying.

So, sangria is basically wine,
plus fruit, plus time.

Wait, what? I’m not kidding.

Grab a bottle of your favorite (or cheapest, this is sangria) wine, some gorgeous fresh fruit, combine, wait…and enjoy. 

Summer’s version of a cocktail!

I like to start with a red wine. 

Peel a peach. Dump it in.

Plum? Oranges?

Berries? Yes! Toss in with a splash of sugar and let it sit overnight.

In the fridge.

Next day you’ve got a melange of wine-y goodness that will make everyone’s day.

It’s like the summer “you” turned into the Martha Stewart “you” and a beautiful beverage was created.

Enjoy it. And enjoy saying, “ You love it? Oh, it’s just some stuff I threw together..”

You did.

But,  ssshhh…we aren’t telling.