Meat My Dad

AKA, Grill-Meat-then-Leave-Him-Alone Day.

It’s in two days. It’s almost like Mother’s Day. Without the crying. Or flowers.

And more meat.

Again with the meat.

You should be seeing a theme, here…

I’m gonna go out on a stereotypic limb here, because we all know that no two dads are alike. 

But, really...aren’t they..? 


Sure, some Father’s would love a big party or tickets to the opera.

Some. Like maybe three.

And I don’t know any of them.

Mother’s Day is intricate. Like moving through one of those laser-protected rooms on Mission: Impossible. 

One wrong move and you might make some moms cry. 

Father’s Day is more like, grab a bottle of Scotch, drop it off, talk about the draft pics for a few, and leave. 

Or for the more sentimental padres?

Grill some meat. THEN leave.

They will feel the love in the Scotch, the meat, the time you spent chatting, and the leaving them alone to catch a nice Father’s Day nap.

I have a great dad. Meet Mike!

Never met a stranger, and can talk up pretty much anyone in the produce aisle or flea market and leave them happier for having met him. People often say he looks intimidating, but truth be told he’s a big sap.

Unless you piss him off.

Then he is intimidating.

He loves a good nap. And any chance he can, he’ll tease me that he beat me at playing mini-golf.
(Keep in mind, I was 5)

my sisters and i got our sense of humor from him, for sure. Where else do you think we got the idea of hiding from people to scare the living daylights out of them?

A real meat-and-potatoes guy

(just hold the masHed potatoes)
And better make damn sure The food isn’t “greasy”.
My sisters will understand that - inside joke, I guess.