A Call for Local Businesses

I don’t know about you all, but if I get one more email from some company and I read the words, “in these times of uncertainty” I may scream…

or make it a drinking game and take a shot each time that email hits my inbox. I would be passed out by 10am if that was the case! 


That combined with “Wine with DeWine” at 2:00 pm…I’d be done, cooked…slurring my words and making even less sense than I do normally!


In all seriousness, this quarantine thing is hard. Hard in the mental sense. For a person like me who thrives on being with and around people, boy, am I having my moments…

I have definitely shed a few tears and gotten angry. But I try not to lose focus and really search for ways to keep my chin up. I’ve figured out that if I can knock off little tasks around my house, that seems to put me in a better mood. Staying off Facebook and reading the news has proven very difficult…what the hell else is there to do, besides wash my hands and eat everything out of the fridge? I’m really trying to limit it though…the Facebook checking, not the washing of my hands, of course.


With the possibility of my real estate and design business temporarily slowing down a bit (it hasn’t yet, but most likely will), I’m turning my focus toward the community more than ever before. This is something that I’ve been slow at doing, but is definitely a huge part of something I want to put out there, for you. If you haven’t seen my first local business blog, Heritage Barbershop, that I posted a few months ago…check it out here.

Now that I have more time on my hands, I need your help! I’m looking for small local business owners in Akron, Canton, and Cleveland area that would like to have a featured blog.

Think restaurant owners, artists, jewelry makers, candle makers…anything or anyone that relies on us buying their products. Seriously, I would love for you to forward this to every small business owner that you know or one of their connections.

My goal is to feature local businesses for the next month…or however long we’re going to be quarantined. If I can help bring awareness to these businesses, even if we cant buy from them now, we will be able to in the future.

Forward this to a business owner, they can click the button below to fill out the small business signup form.

Or you can fill out their contact info below, and I will reach out to see if they’re interested in being featured.

Im staying optimistic and grateful. I will be here to help in any way I can. Sending a big virtual hug and lots of love your way!
