The Buzz of the Valentine Spirit!

Okay, so Valentine’s Day is in three days. 

Or Gal-enentine’s day! 

Or Pal-entinetine’s Day..? 

(Just made it up, don’t think it’ll catch on, but if it does, you saw it here first.)

Didn’t plan ahead? Join the rest of well, ALL of us who are putting it off til Sunday night. 

But married, newly dating, just engaged, or single-and-ready-to-mingle are ALL gonna want some yummy cocktail on Monday.

So here’s three to Wow!, take the edge off, or just enjoy with Netflix and your REAL valentine- your dog.

(Cause they’re the best people.)

(I found a fantastic list on Cosmo, so I’m totally stealing, but I’ll paste the link below for even more yummy ideas)

Let’s start with a fun one!

The Hanky Panky!

You’ll need:

1.5 ounces gin

1.5 ounce sweet vermouth

1 ounce fresh lime juice

2 dashes Fernet-Branca 

Mixing and cocktail glass

Orange peel for garnish

Making it:

So easy! Just put 1½ ounces gin, 

1½ ounces sweet vermouth, 

and 2 dashes Fernet-Branca 

into a mixing glass with ice and stir until well chilled. 

Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. 

Garnish with an orange twist, if you're in the mood.

(See what I did there..?)

Or how about a 

Goodnight Kiss?

You’ll need:

4 ounces champagne

1 ounce Campari

Dash of angostura bitters

1 sugar cube

Making it:

Pour one dash of  angostura bitters onto a sugar cube and drop it into a champagne flute. 

Add 4 ounces champagne and top with 1 ounce Campari. 

Yum. With bubbles. Yumbles.

And last not at ALL least

the Love Buzz!

You’ll need:

1½ ounces Absolut Original

½ ounce crème de cacao

1 ounce raspberry puree


Cocoa shavings for garnish

Making it:

Fill a cocktail shaker with ice 

add 1½ ounces Absolut Original, ½ ounce crème de cacao, 1 ounce raspberry puree
and 1 part room-temperature espresso. 

Shake all ingredients and strain into a cocktail glass.

Garnish with cocoa shavings. 

Forget the date, I’m in love with THIS creamy concoction!

So, there you go. Enjoy your Valentine’s Day together, solo, with your puppies or a cuppa tea. It’s just a day!

Enjoy in your own way and Cheers!  to you and however you celebrate it!

Happy Valentine’s Day to each and every one of you!