Updates & Love Notes

2020, amiright?

It’s gonna be a year that goes down in the books as a doozy, but if we turn off the news (do it!) and look around, some very cool things have been happening, too. I worried like everyone, but found there was so much that is still going strong, out there. So here’s a little fun and positivity so far this year that I want to share with you!

First off, I told you all I wanted to buy a truck—not just for me, but for my amazing clients to use...and I did! A  2019 Ford E-450! Ain’t she a beauty? I love that I can offer another service to make the moving thing go even smoother. And if you have an extra sec, check out the quick vid below of the truck in action!

I am so blessed to work with awesome clients, helping them find their dream homes, and I just love how everyone is looking at their homes as the oases they should be!

Sales are already higher this year than all of 2019 (crazy!!) and that’s because of all you amazing clients and friends! I’ve actually sold THIRTY houses so far and there are zero signs of slowing down! 

Your excitement in buying a home you truly love is why I love my job. Hands down.

But when you guys refer me to other friends, I feel so humbled and thankful to get to work with such cool people! So, THANK YOU! 

Which leads me to the postponement of my first-ever THANK YOU PAR-TAY!! It will happen (don’t know when just yet) and hoo-boy! It’ll be worth the wait!

Because no matter what’s on the news, this year or ANY year, it’s all about the people we surround ourselves with, and I’m surrounded by the absolute best.

Leave a comment if you have good stuff to share, too! I’d love to hear what’s going well for you all! Or any topic you’d like to see included in this blog! 

I’ll keep on keepin’ on, so let me know what I can do for YOU! 

You know where to find me!
