the Internet Realtor

If you’re under 30, this may shock you. But before Al Gore invented the internet, buying a home was a Saturday thing. Every Saturday, the morning paper had a supplement of “Homes For Sale.”

It was like the comics, but for adults. 

It went like this. You called a realtor (whose face you liked) from the ads, and told them which houses you liked enough to go see, based on ONE teeny photo of the front of the house. That’s it.


It wasn’t until you were standing INSIDE the kitchen that you knew if it had been updated since plumbing was invented, or if it had a backyard that doubled as an Aldi’s parking lot. I swear I’m not lying.

Today, you know every closet and corner
before deciding to go see it.

Subway tile? Yum!

Wallpaper has to go. Farm sink! I neeed it! 

That. Is. Our. Home!

Before you’ve even seen it!

So what does the Zillow Era mean when you hire an agent?

Are they less necessary? Less involved? 

You don’t need to love them when they just help with the paperwork, right?

Slow down, Nellie. Take a breath.

These high-tech days have meant that a real estate agent has to show houses that are BEST fitted to your needs, find buyers for your home, walk you through the mountain of paperwork, AND produce photos that pop off the screen, market your entryway on eleven social media platforms, write descriptions tailored to each one, AND maintain contact and communicate with you any time you find your dream garage and text to get a walk-through ASAP!! Nine to five? What is that?

You need an agent now, more than ever. And a good one.

Moving to Minneapolis? Relo to Reno? Transferred to Tulsa?

Here’s how to find the Realtor of your Dreams:

Ask questions. Do they get back to you or make you wait...and wait...

Track record. Are they selling homes? More this year than last? Or are their numbers looking “semi-retired”?

Do you like them? Or do you cringe when you hit “Send” because they seem annoyed by all your questions?

Do the homes they are selling jump right out at you?

(Secret- a great realtor has to know the tricks and techniques of getting those photos that make your heart race and have you picturing your kids sleepovers and movie nights and Thanksgiving dinners when you swipe through the photos. If their other properties look gorgeous, yours will too!)

Are they helpful? Do they go out of their way to make you happy with the process?

If you don’t know, do their former customers leave good reviews? 

The internet is a nosy Nellie. Not getting anything by her. 
If they are helpful and great to work with, they have good reviews.
Not just a face on an ad. Because you deserve more than that!

We love our internet. We need our internet. 
And our agents. 
And our farm sink.