Summertime, and the Sellin is Easy…

“List it in the Spring!” …is what every “online expert” will tell you.

They Googled it, so clearly, they know.

If they had done their homework (who does that?) and actually researched (who does that?) the best time(s) to sell your house, they’d have found some of these nuggets!

Kids. If you got ‘em, you know. 

Nobody wants to change schools mid-year! Nobody!

Summer buyers want in. By late-August.

So, summer families = motivated!

Kids. If you DON’T got ‘em, I’ll tell you why they matter.

Because everyone buying is in competition with Mackenzie and Camden’s parents.

They may not NEED to buy in summer, but they’re looking, and feeling competitive with their offers. 

This is GOOD. For you.

Longer days! 

More natural light, less hassle getting to, from into, and out of a showing! And it’s billowing sunlight over your azaleas isn’t spoiling the pot. 

This is when homes are their floweriest, greenest, lightest, and most relaxed-looking.

Capitalize on it!

Yes, there are benefits to selling in every season. But, some simply have more benefits.

So sparkle that grill…

Plant some annuals along the front path (for the first time ever), and wait for the offers to roll in.

I’m an agent. So I know. 

But go ahead and Google.

You know you want to…