Springing into March!

What I LOVE about this time of year is the white-ish, brownish, black-ish snowdrifts, and those brown-ish, grey-ish  trees that look, like,  totally dead…

Wait, what was I saying?

It’s THE ugliest time of year. 

Trees look dead. Flowers are, well…nowhere. It’s depressing!

So let’s bloom up the joint! Inside and out! We got this!

There are some stellar outdoor plantings that are prime for March.



Shade trees! 


There’s tons of them! And March is the month to get them in the dirt!

So, that one, random, 65 degree day? Get those puppies planted! 

Your July-You will thank you.

But, what about your living room? Dining room…kitchen…?

Lookin’ a bit drab?

Let’s “spruce” it up! 

(See what I did there?)

There are some crazy colorful, gorgeous greens you can cultivate right now!

Orchids! Oh my!

Hibiscus! Hellloo!

African violets! Voila!

Ever heard of a Clivia?

The bright yellow blooms will lift your spirits and make your home look like it got a SpeedPass to Spring. 

And chenille?

Not just cozy sweaters. It’s a funky, fuzzy plant that would LOVE to be in your kitchen right about now!

So, plant if you’re up for it!

But if you’re like, naaahhh…

Then go with some indoor inspiration.

We’re at the just-get-through-it stage of winter. 

Why not enjoy a potted, windowsill succulent?

Or possibly a new, shining Clivia?

Go for it. 


And flower up your space like a rock star!

Forget the grey, brown and black snow. 

We’re looking out for color and life!

Spring, bring it on!