Spring Forward, Then Fall Back in Bed

How much are you looking forward to Sunday night?

Changing every dang clock FORWARD so that you get an hour LESS of sleep? Of life? 


I’ve been doing some digging, and here’s the scoop.

First off, did you know it’s daylight SAVING time? NOT daylight savingS? Whaa?

Next, if you want to blame someone, Ben Franklin played a small part, but have you heard of Coldplay? Chris Martin? 

Was married to Gwyneth Paltrow?

His great-great-grandfather is really more to blame. 

His name was William Willett, and while he was riding around on a horse, thought of a way for Britain to make the most of their daylight.

Churchill liked it, but Britain said, “Um, no.”

Then, during WWI, Germany started thinking it was a good way to save energy.

Soon, pretty much every nation that fought in WWI was on board.

In 1918, the US Congress enacted the Standard Time Act, and THAT’s why you’ll need an extra espresso on Monday.

But, why? For farmers? Does it actually save energy or money? 

Like, at ALL?

So, the closer you are to the equator, the less it helps. 

If you live in the Bahamas (why don’t we all..?),

it barely makes any difference.

It’s a nuisance. Let’s be honest.

If you have young children, you understand what it’s like to tell a toddler,

“...it’s DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME…” and get no response but a 3am wake up call.

There is a growing number of groups like the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), who continue to fight it.

So if you feel the need…join the cause!

click here to JOIN AASM

Til then, grab a double-espresso-venti-macchiato and move on.

As Benjamin Franklin once said,

“Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

Which has NOTHING to do with Daylight Saving Time.

I just like it.
