The Mockingbird Bakery

Keeping a brand new business afloat in 2020 wasn’t easy for anyone, but Kassie and Jessica made it look like a piece of cake.

About a stone’s dough away from where I grew up, The Mockingbird Bakery in Kent, Ohio opened in November of 2019, just a few short months before Ms. Corona came along and shut everything down.

While some new business owners panicked, Kassie and Jessica rallied the troops (family and friends) to help them keep this dream alive.

And good God, am I glad they did!

I’ve been enjoying their treats for over a year now, but when I decided to write a blog about this neighborhood gem and I got a behind-the-scenes look at their operation, I realized without a doubt that it’s not by chance they survived and even thrived during a global pandemic.


Once you walk through these doors, you’ll notice how every detail has been meticulously thought out—from the charming decor to the eye catching case displays, and even behind the curtains where they bake scones the size of your face and sling frosting over the most delicious cupcakes you’ve ever tasted.

Here are some of my favorite details…


The first thing you’ll notice when you get here is how charming the space is, which is a total surprise from first glance in the parking lot.

There are remnants of the previous bakery here, like the 800-pound dough divider that’s welded to the floor in the kitchen. But the oversized white picnic tables, the Edison bulb string lights dangling across the entrance, the painted bird cages hanging from the ceiling, the white granite countertops with smokey gray marbling, the gorgeous hardwood floors, and the refurbished wood accent wall all scream chic, modern elegance mixed with an extremely comfortable, best-friend’s-house vibe.

I could have stayed here all day soaking up the atmosphere and gobbling down all the macarons, but I would have been choco-late to my next showing.


I’m a firm believer in the idea of waste not, want not, and the Mockingbird Bakery duo agrees.

They bake everything from scratch and love to try new recipes. But if they occasionally make more than they can sell (an extremely rare phenomenon as the baked goods sell like… well, hot cakes), they donate leftovers to Kent Social Services, conveniently located ⅓ mile down the road.

And when it’s wedding season or people special order cakes for other events, Kassie and Jessica turn the unused cake scraps into goodies like cupcakes and cake pops.

Speaking of wedding cakes -- I was moved to tiers when I saw their designs. And I’m obviously not the only one… they have over 30 weddings left this year and are still taking consultations for more!


Last, but certainly not least, the pristine designs of the baked goods are enough to make you want to buy one of everything in the shop -- but the flavors will have you returning for more every chance you get!

I had to postpone my next Whole 30 start date so I could sample the blood orange macarons… and the peanut butter fudge… and the double chocolate chip cookie. But believe me when I say they were each worth every calorie!

Next time you’re in Kent—or better yet, do your tastebuds a favor and make a special trip out there—stop by Mockingbird Bakery at 154 Cherry Street and tell them Dannie sent you.

And if you’ve bought a house from me recently, keep an eye out for a special surprise on your doorstep from my favorite bakery of all time!