Laundry? Schmaundry! — Dannie Moore & Co. | Home Sales & Interior Design

Laundry? Schmaundry!

Okay, let’s air your dirty laundry. 

Not the juicy kind (at least I HOPE not), but the actual laundry kind. 

Preferably, “juice”-free.

Most of us spend time in the laundry room every day!

But do you treat it like a broom closet? 

Yes! We all do! 

But here’s why you can do better and be happier!

It’s a space you need and use. So…

Make it yours!

Color? Yes!

Design? Absolutely?

Wallpaper! Whatever you want!

Flooring! Be free!

Rugs! Right on!

And how about some storage?

Extra detergent and dryer sheets?

Or maybe extra linens..? 

YOU decide!

You—and I swear this is legal—can even make a cozy, reading area in your laundry room if you want. 

Mind blown?

It should be!

Nobody talks about elegant, inviting laundry rooms, but we all spend so much time there. 

So, make it yours!

Make it functional.

Make it gorgeous.

I HATE laundry, so here’s what I did with mine…

Laundry sucks. 

Make it a happy place!

You SO deserve it! 

And send me before and after pics!

(I’d LOVE to do a blog on your upgrades!)
