Inspection Gadget

If only there was some trick, or method, or...I dunno, gadget(?) to insure you’re not buying an infested or unsafe home…

Oh, wait. There is. 

A Home Inspection.

But many people think of home inspections as an option, and that (at $250-700+) they seem pricey.

But a few other things are pricier.

Like, I dunno, termites. 

Or bats. Fun fact—did you know bat COLONIES double in size every single year..?) 

Black mold.

Poor insulation giving you ginormous gas bills.

You get my drift.

A home inspection, done by a professional (with great reviews, thank you Mr or Mrs Internet!) will not only give you the down and dirty on what may be living behind those gorgeous wainscoted walls, or under the breakfast nook you fell in love with, but also some practical User Manual type-stuff.

Like the HVAC system. Is it a good size in proportion to the home?

If not, your inspector may save you cash money by tips on how best to set your thermostat accordingly! 

Or a good look at the roof, basement, or attic could give some insight to ways you can maximize efficiency year-round!

Water and air cleanliness? Appliances? Fire safety? 

Yep, all on the list.

Electric box come over on the Mayflower? Get that puppy out before you move your family in!

Because an inspection isn’t just a way out of a home that has issues, it’s a fantastic bargaining tool to get some pesky, fixable issues paid for by negotiating with the seller!

(No clever seller will pay for ALL issues, but a great way to start the conversation is with hard facts collected by a pro.)

And an inspection is WAY more affordable than a new roof.

Or a bat colony. 

Did you know they always return to where they were born? And can fit through any hole as small as a DIME. 

A dime.

Inspections are your gadget! 
You’re not Batman.

Or, are you…?
