Hindsight: 2020

See what I did there? But it’s true!

We have masked, disinfected, Zoomed, adjusted, and—in some extreme, heartbreaking cases—cut our own bangs.

2020 is over.

Not sorry to see it go, but now I’m aware of what it gave me.

In March, I freaked. No lie, I thought it might all be over—my career, my business, my life as I knew it.

A mask was not gonna sell houses. At forty years old, I thought I’d have to start all over again.

But then, who showed up? You guys.

My people. You showed up with bells on and with the most generous spirits I ever could have asked for.

You hired me. You referred me. Some of you are those referrals!

Either way, you are now an essential part of my Tribe, whether you like it or not.

Each and every one of you, every single person reading this, has been a blessing and a part of whatever vessel got me through the last nine months.

And how! My home sales didn’t die out. They more than DOUBLED! What??!

My design company is growing by the day!

And why?


So, yeah, I hated 2020. But in hindsight, I found my Tribe, and I’d actually do it all over again for that single, beautiful reason.

But please don’t make me.

I can’t wait to see your faces, hug you, celebrate you and continue to grow and thrive together.

From the deepest, most grateful part of my Ohio heart—thank you.

I love you all.
