Black Ops Friday

Here we are. 

The most frenzied shopping day in the freaky-frenziest year like, ever.

So what in the name of JC Penny is it gonna look like?


Hoards of people in masks, politely allowing others to walk around them, giving the extra room to get past? Karens everywhere, socially distancing a safe six feet from ANOTHER Karen, who is LITERALLY grabbing the very last $7 microwave? 



It’s a dilemma every year.
Be honest. 

Of COURSE you value your family time. The purity of a holiday, snuggled around the fireside playing Monopoly! and eating something with less than 3700 calories.

The thankfulness you still feel for the bounty you ate yesterday, the people you gathered with,  and the 7 empty bottles of wine that now mock your ginormous headache from the recycle bin...

Because, the day after is exactly that. Kids are in their room playing OnlineYahtzee! with friends across town (who are we kidding, they mock our classic games). 

Your sweats are silently weeping at the 11 pounds you gained in one day, and you’re totally moving on to Christmas in your head.

In a primal way.


We’re all above it until we see the $200 flatscreen we’ve been planning to buy on sale for $12.99.

For the first 50 customers. 

At 6:00. 


Suddenly, a quart of espresso and a mask (or seven) is all that stands between us and the bragging rights of the most affordable Air Jordans, blenders, Tickle-Me-Elmos and beer hats.

If you’re feeling guilty about what you DID go out and buy, or the money you’re not saving by skipping the whole thing, stop. Don’t go there.

Nobody is right. Nobody wins.

Or everybody wins!

Here’s a Plan C: cozy up with a blanket in those sweatpants and Google the best online deals!

This year-more than ever- businesses large and small are making it easier to stay home while you shop.
And the incentives are BIG!

Local shops are even jumping in with website deals. Give ‘em a call! 

Or wrap yourself in bubble wrap to your chin, strap a few masks on, dunk yourself in anti-bacterial gel and storm that Target like a gladiator.

We’re not judging.

Probably because we all know the struggle.

Or because we all feel the pressures.


And possibly because the room is spinning, we’re eating an entire pie for breakfast, and we’ve sworn off Chardonnay for eternity.