2019 In Review

Woooh weeh! Can we just take a minute, look back at 2019 and say, what just happened?  For me it’s been a whirlwind filled with really good things. I launched my website…that was a huge undertaking and an expense that resulted in something, in my opinion, that is really f’ing fantastic. I sold 24 houses totaling just about $5 million. And yeah, I also turned 40. Does that mean I’m old now?

I started selling real estate for the second time (with a lot of apprehension, tbh) about four years ago, and incorporated my interior design business. From the beginning I had this vision of what I wanted my business to look like, from branding to the services that I offered. I have to say It’s been the best learning experience of my life. A few goals that I set back then I fulfilled in 2019.

Let’s talk about my website. This has been the biggest and most time-consuming project so far. And to actually have it up-and-running is the most outstanding thing to me. My goal was to create a space that I could present my listings in a really unique way. I wanted a place to highlight interior spaces that I designed with professional photos. And, I had to incorporate a blog where I could update you on all things real estate, but also make it fun by featuring different events and businesses in the community. The site launched literally on my birthday in September…what a gift, right?


Now about that birthday...Turning 40…it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. For one, I don’t feel 40, if that’s even a thing.

And, I was able to celebrate in New York City with eight of my friends. They all took the time out of their busy schedules to play, drink, and eat throughout the city with me. I am a super lucky guy, I know. My most favorite thing we did, and something I highly recommend, was take a sailboat out to the Statue of Liberty. It was an experience I didn’t even know was on my bucket list…which now should be on yours.

You guys, I used to daydream about the day I could say I sold 2 houses a month. I would think that’s when I’ll know I’ve really made it in real estate. WELL, I did that. I was able to sell 24 houses this year. I need you to understand that none of this would have happened if it weren’t for you. If you’re reading this, you helped me in one way or another. Through your generosity, whether it was words of encouragement, buying or selling a house, a referral, or working on a design project, YOU are ultimately responsible for my success. And thank you isn’t really enough to express my gratitude.

There’s a few things i’m looking forward to in 2020…

I can’t wait to deliver really good content for your reading pleasure.  If you have someone or something you think should be featured, send it my way. I would love to share anything or anyone interesting in our community. Think local restaurants, artists, new (or old) business that are unique to where we live.

I’m looking into purchasing a moving truck. Anyone that buys or sells a home with me can have access to it, free of course. You might have to fill the gas tank, but those details are still up in the air.

And, the biggest and most exciting plan, and the one that involves you. I’m going to throw my first (annual) Thank You Party.

I can’t wait to celebrate and thank YOU…I already have an idea of where the first one will be…keep a look out for the invite, you won’t want to miss it, I promise.

I have very high hopes for the new year and I’m thrilled for you to be a part of it. This goes without saying, but If you know anyone looking to buy, sell, or design a home, and you think we’d work great together, send them my way.

I love each and every one of you and wish you the very best in 2020.